RRP GmbH International

Straßenbau und Platzbau der anderen Art

RRP and the future

Faster, cheaper construction of roads and paved surfaces in compatibility with the environment

With RRP this is actually possible - a state-of-the-art solution for the construction of roads and paved surfaces with savings in time, materials and machinery.
The product RRP-235-Spezial is a fluid ion exchanger that optimises soil compaction and as a result makes for permanent consolidation. Its impact can be scientifically explained. Expert reports and practical experience verify the practicable capacity of the product as well as its environmental compatibility. RRP-235-Spezial serves to replace the gravel sub-bases of conventional roads; one drum saves 200 truckloads of gravel. And this means up to 50% less costs and up to 60% less construction time.

RRP-235-Spezial was developed 30 years ago. Experience with the product on the domestic market and overseas shows that it can be guaranteed to meet its claims; it is competitively unparalleled and its application involves no risk or hazard of any kind whatsoever. RRP-235-Spezial is distributed by the company RRP GmbH in Germany. The company holds worldwide product rights and is able to arrange exclusive distribution agreements with suitable partners for various countries and regions.

State of the art

Flat levelling rather than in-depth excavation

As with all structures, roads and paved surfaces need a good bearing sub-surface that is resistant to frost. In conventional road building, the body of the road is laid into the ground to a depth of 1.25 meters. Tremendous amounts of soil have to be excavated and removed. Often the excavated soil is deposited at a soil dump, a factor that also proves costly. The sub-surface thus excavated is now filled with load-bearing layers of lime, gravel and ballast. The final covering is asphalt gravel and concrete. Not only is this expensive in terms of equipment and personnel, but the process is very time-consuming. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that alternative solutions are sought. Such an alternative is provided by the RRP mode of construction. The soil is no longer excavated in depth, but after removal of the humus soil, only flat layers, approximately 25 cm in depth, are taken away. The area is then sprayed with a ready-for use RRP-water solution, which is worked into the soil with a special cutter. Once the product unfolds its action and the optimum degree of moisture is produced, the soil is repacked in layers using an appropriate roller (minimum pressure of 10 t). The soil mechanically compacted in this way is then covered with a stress and wear-resistant layer. The upshot of the RRP-235-Spezial application: significant savings in time and costs.

No more swelling or shrinking of clay and loam

RRP-235-Spezial is suitable for all cohesive clay and loam with a silt and finely grained sand content of at least 15%. In fact such is the consistency of most soils. Any other soil types should be examined at the laboratory to ascertain whether they can be chemically stabilized with RRP-235-Spezial. Pure sand and gravel soils, for example, as well as marshy ground prove unsuitable without previous treatment. Because of its specific properties, RRP-235-Spezial is particularly apt for road construction, since it consolidates those soils that are difficult to compact because of their high water content and sensitivity to frost. RRP-235-Spezial makes it possible to drain such soils, rendering them permanently dry. Damage from frost and dry cracks, with the swelling and shrinking of clay and subsoil particles is prevented when the soil is treated with RRP-235-Spezial.

For roads and paths, paved surfaces and trenches

RRP-235-Spezial is ideal for the construction of roads and paths. It is also used to solidify the subsoil for the construction of airfields and railway tracks, car parks and large-scale halls, warehouses and freight handling areas, and for digging trenches and ditches for piping and canalisation. Because it is water-repellent, RRP-235-Spezial is also suitable for draining water-clogged ground.

Road construction

Expertise evidence that RRP is hazard-free Many scientific reports and references from research institutes in various countries confirm the totally positive experience reflected by the practical application of RRP-235-Spezial. Neither the construction owner nor the construction company are exposed to any risk whatsoever with RRP-235-Spezial. The effect of RRP-235-Spezial is utterly reliable, as is guaranteed in actuarial terms by the manufacturer for a period of five years, providing RRP-235-Spezial was applied as meant and as directed by the RRP engineering services. This product liability covers the substructure that has been treated with RRP-235-Spezial. Insurance coverage is provided by an international insurance group to the order of CHF 5 million for each claim. Consequently, the construction company faces no recovery claims, provided of course application has been professional and as directed by the RRP engineering services. 

Installation guarantee from engineering consultants

With the application of RRP-235-Spezial, the construction company or owner is not alone. The company RRP GmbH works worldwide with highly competent engineering consultants in its network. These contracted engineers carry out all soil investigations and laboratory tests and take over construction control. After completion of the construction work, the contracting consultants deliver the RRP installation guarantee, which testifies to professional workmanship and successful project completion. Worldwide roads and pathways RRP-235-Spezial can be employed in a number of ways. For example, in Ludwigsstadt, Bavaria, a road was constructed in 1971 using RRP-235-Spezial Ten years later, the city council confirms its still excellent state. Or the state building authority in Ulm that had a parking area constructed for trucks using RRP-235-Spezial; after 16 years, the state of the road is still perfect. The same can be said for a tank road on a military training ground; no repair work has been necessitated for 16 years. And as a forestry authority confirms about a path that was constructed through the woods using the RRP method: the path cost only a third of what it would have done, had conventional construction techniques been used. Yet the RRP application is not only found in Europe. It is tried and trusted just as much for the dry soils of Indonesia with their low rock content, for example, as it is in the Balkan region, where the climate is subject to heavy rain.

Channels of distribution

RRP 235-Spezial is only distributed by our own contracted offices. For they alone are exclusively entitled to engage in sales and consultancy. For the future as well, this distribution system guarantees the high standards of RRP construction methods. RRP International – Your partner for the future.