RRP GmbH International

Straßenbau und Platzbau der anderen Art


Pressure control and water management In conventional road building, metre-thick layers of ballast take the pressure load and make it possible to drain the substructure. Given reasonable drainage, this is the only way to at least partially avert damage from frost and dry cracks. RRP-235-Spezial makes this so much easier and effective. It impregnates the soil, counteracting water penetration, interrupting the capillary action. Because of the optimised compaction, the soil particles remain compressed and dry, taking the pressure of the road from above and repelling the ground water from below.

The principle of ion exchange

Soils often consist of tiny particles of clay, which are always enveloped in a film of water. "With rainfall, the film of water expands," explains Professor Dr. Klaus Mangold from Muenster Polytechnic, Germany "and the particles are forced apart. Either the soil swells up or the film of water shrinks - and that is when the soil cracks". In simple terms, if RRP-235-Spezial, which contains sulfphonic acids, is worked into the soil, the following transpires: the sulphonic acids split into an H+ and a negative residue, which replaces the OH- ions on the clay particles. The exchanged OH- reacts in the H+ to become neutral water. The "adhesive" acidic residue on the clay particles now acts like a film of grease and the water between the particles simply runs off. If the soil is mechanically compressed as well, it is unable to swell or shrink any more. Reference is made in this respect to our chemical data sheets.

No environmental hazard to plant or animal life

Provided RRP-235-Spezial is professionally applied to the soil, no environmental hazard whatsoever need be feared. Such is the evidence produced by a great variety of tests and expert studies. In fact because of its electric binding property, RRP-235-Spezial permanently moistens the surface of the soil particles and is not washed away into the ground water. With roads constructed many years ago using RRP-235-Spezial, there are no signs at all of any impact on animal or plant life, even in the immediate vicinity. Rod tests have produced evidence that the activity of microorganisms in the soil has not been impaired but, to the contrary, has been enhanced, as a result of the extra supply of oxygen. Yet RRP-235-Spezial is not only environmentally compatible but in point of fact, absolutely environmentally friendly. Its application means that the natural soil on site is used for stabilization and consequently does not have to be removed, or replaced by gravel or ballast. Consequently there are savings on transport costs and the scarce natural resources are preserved.