RRP GmbH International

Straßenbau und Platzbau der anderen Art


Faster, cheaper construction of roads and paved surfaces in compatibility with the environment.

With RRP this is actually possible - a state-of-the-art solution for the construction of roads and paved surfaces with savings in time, materials and machinery. The product RRP-235-Spezial is a fluid ion exchanger that optimises soil compaction and as a result makes for permanent consolidation.

Its impact can be scientifically explained. Expert reports and practical experience verify the practicable capacity of the product as well as its environmental compatibility. RRP-235-Spezial serves to replace the gravel sub-bases of conventional roads; one drum saves 200 truckloads of gravel. And this means up to 50% less costs and up to 60% less construction time.

RRP-235-Spezial was developed 30 years ago. Experience with the product on the domestic market and overseas shows that it can be guaranteed to meet its claims; it is competitively unparalleled and its application involves no risk or hazard of any kind whatsoever.

RRP-235-Spezial is distributed by the company RRP GmbH in Germany. The company holds worldwide product rights and is able to arrange exclusive distribution agreements with suitable partners for various countries and regions.